archived website

Artist Registry

This is an online artist registry for artists of all abilities throughout Ohio. The purpose of the registry is for artists to network with one another, to gain professional exposure, and for patrons to find arts of all kinds that they love.

Find out more about how you can be listed in the directory.

Search the Registry

When the registry is online, you will be able to click on the categories below to find artists in our registry, or browse an alphabetical listing of our entire registry.

Copyright Information
All Artists and Users understand and recognize that:
Copyright law protects the material on this Website.  Copyrights for the Artist images are owned by the Artists and the other content of the website including the copyrights relating to providing a collection of the Artist images are owned by VSA Ohio.  Users and Artists agree to not copy any of the graphics, images, artwork, text, video or audio on this website without the express written permission of the owner of the copyrights in that material.  VSA Ohio will remove from the Website any content found to be infringing of another’s copyright.